Each Steba Product has a design that seeks harmony, balance and symmetry.
Experience reflects the uniqueness of each of its containers with attention to creativity and beauty.
Coloring Plastic and Glass to shape your desires. Discover them through our mandalas, Steba has thought of creative solutions for each product.
We shape your desires
Harmony Balance
Symmetry Experience
Uniqueness Beauty
We at Steba are like that.
CAPSULE are uniqueness
uniqueness s.f. der. of unique /’uniko/
[from lat. “one”]
Quality of that which has no equal:
Therefore it is extraordinary, of supreme value and liking ≈ excellence, exceptionality.
Steba’s capsules look like this.
FLACONS and GLASS JARS are symmetry
symmetry /sim:e’tria/ s.f.
[from Gr. “with” and “measure”]
Uniform arrangement of several ordered elements in an elegant and proportionate relationship ≈ criterion, proportion, balance, order.
Steba’s glass bottles and jars look like this.
PUMPS and DISPENSERS are experience
experience /espe’rjɛntsa/ s.f.
[from the Latin derivative of “expert, expert”]
Direct knowledge, gained firsthand through the senses and practice ≈ competence, mastery, expertise.
Steba’s pumps and dispensers are like this.