As the end of a year approaches, it is physiological to draw the lines and do the reckoning. It is important to do so at the corporate, business level; it is essential to do so at the personal, human level. Balancing the books, at the end of an entire year of work and growth–business and personal–then means also reckoning with a space of meaning and value. For several years now, we at Steba have been donating the largest portion of the sum allocated for Christmas gifts to different realities that nevertheless share a ‘vision’: to improve the world through effective gestures of solidarity.

A different, concrete way of shaping important wishes!

In past years, we have mainly supported the care of cancer patients and patients (especially theClaudio Colombo Association e Strength and Smile). This year our support goes to PizzAut, the project to build the first self-managed pizzeria by boys and girls with autism.

Steba: we also shape your wishes. And not only that.
